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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Filling Your Taxes

It is almost that time again to file for your taxes. Whether you like it or not, it is one of the few things that you cannot avoid to do if you are living in the US. International students are included, even if you are not making much money it is required by IRS that you report your income. Believe me, it is safer to follow the rules than being sorry in the future when IRS audits your income.

It is always recommended by many that the earlier you file your taxes the better it is a chance to get your refund back faster. Besides, you know that you are not going to be late. And that is way now many people go to many shops that provide Tax Services to get instant refund. While you think it is at your best interest to file it there and stepping out of the door with money in your hand. The reality is you are getting robbed by going to those places.

Here is the catch. For example, if you are expecting around $1000 refund from IRS, then most likely you are being "taxed" around $100 by these services, which is 10% of your possible return. Yes it is fast, but would you rather do it yourself if you know how to do it?

It is very simple. Go to IRS Website where you will find free service provided by IRS for you to send your tax online. The key to get your money faster is to choose direct deposit directly to your saving/checking account. If you decided to do this then your return will be available to you within 10 days and you don't have to settle with losing your money by going to shops offering instant refund.

You decide!