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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Illinois ID Cards

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What is different about these new Drivers' License (DL) and Identification (ID) cards?
The card layout and format are slightly different, but the textual information included on drivers' licenses and identification cards has not changed.

Additionally, the types of driver's licenses remain the same, but they are designated by a new color scheme, reflecting international standards:

* All Drivers' Licenses: Red color bar, text is "DRIVER'S LICENSE"
* All Commercial Drivers' Licenses (CDL): Red color bar, text is "CDL"
* All Temporary Visitor Drivers' Licenses (TVDL): Purple color bar, text is "TVDL"
* All Identification Cards (ID): Green color bar, text is "ID CARD".

The card for drivers under the age of 21 remains oriented vertically, as it has been since 2005. The cards for persons aged 21 and over remains oriented horizontally.

The card is made of different material, because it is now produced using updated technology. It no longer has a matte finish.

There are more security features for use by law enforcement and others who have a need to verify the authenticity of the card. These features include a ghost image, guilloche patterns (fine lines), a UV feature, and microtext.

On the back of ID cards only, the following text is included: "FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY. NOT A LICENSE TO DRIVE."

The Office of the Secretary of State web site address,, now appears on the back of both drivers' licenses and identification cards.

The Organ Donor designation has also changed. For cardholders who have joined the Organ/Tissue Donor Registry, the word "DONOR" is now inserted in a red graphic of the state. Areas for medical information remain on the back of the card, and are simply relocated.

There are no changes in fees, eligibility requirements, or any other aspect of applying for and obtaining a driver's license or identification card.