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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

HR 4437

Last Friday when I was at work, I saw ten of thousands of people flocking to the loop to attend demonstration voicing their concerns about the newest immigration sweeping law called HR 4437.

It was probably the biggest public gathering ever happened in the city of Chicago to date. While people were learning what was going on, they found themselves stuck in sea of people while out during luncheon. I heard from many that the Chicago Police Department did not expect the number of crowds to exceed 20,000 people. Later that day it was estimated the number of crowd to be close to 100,000 participants in the rally.

Many of my co-workers who worried that they would be trapped in rush hours traffic decided to leave early that day as for me it was fun to take many pictures from the height of where my office stands.

Thankfully, the day ended without any incident which some may had predicted.